Susan Greinig is the Medical Programmes Senior Manager in the International Olympic Committee’s Medical & Scientific Department. Susan’s responsibilities over the last 24 years have focused on education to protect the health of the athlete. This includes her contribution to help establish the various IOC consensus statements that provide scientific evidence for these initiatives. With a special interest in athlete safeguarding, motivated by being a mother to two athletic sons, Susan has headed the IOC Prevention of Harassment and Abuse in Sport initiatives since 2004. The wide range of scientifically based educational tools on SAFE SPORT that Susan has coordinated, starting with the Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Abuse in Sport, all available on, are a testament to this. Since 2016, the IOC Games-Time Safeguarding Framework is enforced at all editions of both Summer and Winter Olympic and Youth Olympic Games during which Susan is available as the IOC Safeguarding Officer. Susan is an Academic Director of the IOC Certificate: Safeguarding Officer in Sport online course, has contributed to the management of the IOC Mental Health in Elite Athletes programme and is the IOC’s ex officio Board Member of UNICEF’s International Safeguarding Children in Sport Initiative.