



Students enrolling for this course will normally be in possession of a degree or equivalent qualification at the prescribed standard in exercise science, sports science, athletic training, physiotherapy (physical therapy), medicine, orthopaedics, biomechanics, kinesiology, movement science, physical education, health, strength and conditioning, coaching, nursing, dietetics, or a related subject. The degree should be awarded by a recognised Institution of Higher Education with authority to grant such degrees.

The language of instruction will be English, and students whose native language is not English, or whose first degree was not undertaken in English, should provide evidence of competence in English.

The IOC Diploma in Strength and Conditioning is awarded by the  International Olympic Committee (, as part of the program of the IOC Health, Medicine and Science Commission. The Diploma program is awarded under the Academic oversight of an international Academic Advisory Board. The members of this Advisory Board advise on the academic standards of the IOC Diploma, including suitability of applicants, quality assurance of course content, and the moderation of student assessment. More details about the Board Members can be found on the “Advisory Board” webpage of the IOC Diploma website.

The Medical and Scientific Commission of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has recognised the important role that sports medicine and associated allied health professions plays in protecting the health of athletes. As part of its commitment to supporting the health and performance of athletes and to the continuing professional development of those who care for them, the IOC Medical and scientific Commission developed this program in Strength and Conditioning. The program is designed primarily to provide the foundational knowledge in the scientific and practical aspects of Strength and Conditioning for maximising performance and preventing injuries of individual and team sport athletes.

The workload for the whole Diploma program has a nominal teaching and learning load of 600 hours, spread over a year of study. However, the time it takes to go through the e-lectures, to read the set literature, and to prepare assignments and examinations will vary greatly between individuals. It is obvious that some people can achieve a satisfactory performance with a considerably smaller investment of time, but others may need to – or may choose to – invest more. Although there are some key dates by which assignments must be submitted throughout the program, students have considerable flexibility as to how they choose to distribute the workload over the year.

There are nine modules for the program, with each module lasting approximately one month, so the program runs from March- November. There is a requirement of three assignments to be completed during the year of the program. Assignments are submitted in electronic format by uploading them via the student area of the website. Feedback is delivered by email and by posting of materials on the website.

There is one examination at the completion of the modules. Students can access this on the examination platform, and have 24 hours to complete the examination paper. The examination is held in December following completion of the modules.

Lectures consist of computer-based audio-visual presentations by leading international experts and consist of a PowerPoint presentation with associated video and audio track. Lectures can be watched online or can be downloaded from the website to be watched on mobile devices or while offline. Lecture material is supplemented by a program of directed study, including review papers, original research publications, textbooks and athlete-oriented guidebooks. Additional materials are posted on the program website.

Students will be invited to attend optional online meetings. Sessions will give students the opportunity to discuss issues arising from the lectures, reading material or other sources with the Program Directors and/or members of the Academic Advisory Board. The sessions will be held once a month and will focus primarily on questions arising from the most recent module or on a specific topic that the AAB member is an expert in. We always offer two dates/times for each session, and recordings of the sessions will be made available for those who are unable to attend. The online sessions also give students the opportunity to get to know their fellow students better and build a network of contacts.

As you know, there is no global certification body in Strength and Conditioning, so recognition occurs very much at a local (national) level. The IOC program is truly international, with the members of the Academic Advisory Board, who are responsible for all aspects of quality assurance on the program, and the Faculty, who contribute the lectures and other program resources, being drawn from experts all around the world. The credibility of these experts is what gives credibility to the program itself.

The IOC program delivers new, broad and updated knowledge on topics within the area of Strength and Conditioning – preparing to work with athletes across a wide spectrum of sports and athletic abilities. Students broaden their knowledge and professional network which may provide opportunities to participate in international events. Participation in the program introduces students to the Olympic family.

Yes, fees can be paid in 1, 2 or 4 instalments.

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