IOC Certificate: Safeguarding Officer in Sport

Aims & Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, graduates will be able to:

  • Define key safeguarding concepts and terminology including: different types of interpersonal violence; key safeguarding and protection terminology; the impact of interpersonal violence on health and performance; legal and social outcomes for victims who are harassed and abused in their sport. They should be able to give examples of how these concepts may be distinctively expressed in various local contexts.
  • Describe the key internationally recognised safeguards/standards for safeguarding athletes in sport and the building blocks which need to be put in place to prevent abuse including developing and implementing safeguarding policies, procedures and practices.
  • Outline the roles and responsibilities of national and international sports organisations related to the prevention of harassment and abuse in sport.
  • Describe the key international and national conventions, treaties and governance frameworks which frame the responsibility and requirement of sports organisations to foster safe sporting environments.
  • Describe the role and responsibilities of the safeguarding officer related to the prevention of and response to incidents of interpersonal violence in sport.
  • Describe the circumstances under which interpersonal violence can occur (e.g., within the sporting environment, inside and outside the field of play) including the situational risks in sport and what measures can be put in place to help prevent it and by whom.
  • Outline key environmental factors and determinants important in fostering safe sporting environments.
  • Describe the unique risks and needs of athletes who are made more vulnerable to interpersonal violence in sport.
  • Demonstrate basic awareness of victimology and perpetrator forensic psychology, and how this may impact safeguarding policies, procedures, and practices.
  • Outline the role of athletes’ entourage members in understanding and fostering safe sporting environments.
  • Describe the key elements of a response system for managing potential cases of interpersonal violence including: written procedures for reporting processes, investigation processes and managing cases; the roles and responsibilities of statutory agencies; case management systems and structures; core skills and competencies related to managing disclosures; complaints, grievance and disciplinary procedures; making defensible decisions, risk assessment and management; provision of support to those involved in the cases reported to them.
  • Describe how safe sport is positioned within the Olympic Charter and the IOC Code of Ethics and how to support its Mission and Role to promote Safe Sport. Display knowledge of other key IOC Safe Sport materials including the IOC Consensus Statements on Sexual Harassment and Abuse in Sport (2006) and Harassment and Abuse in Sport (2017).
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how to monitor and evaluate safeguarding strategies, policies, procedures and mechanisms, including the performance of the safeguarding officer.
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