Professor Dr. Dr. (h.c.) Marilyn Huestis retired as Chief, Chemistry and Drug Metabolism, NIDA, NIH, after 23 years of conducting controlled drug administration studies. She was an Adjunct Professor, University of Maryland School of Medicine, and currently is a Senior Fellow at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, Senior Scientist, PinneyAssociates, and President of Huestis & Smith Toxicology, LLC. Her research program focuses on discovering mechanisms of action of cannabinoid agonists and antagonists, effects of in utero drug exposure, oral fluid testing, driving under the influence of drugs, and the neurobiology and pharmacokinetics of kratom. She published 558 peer-reviewed manuscripts and book chapters. Professor Huestis received a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry from Mount Holyoke College, a master’s degree in clinical chemistry from the University of New Mexico, a doctoral degree in toxicology from the University of Maryland, and a Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Helsinki, Finland. The journal Clinical Chemistry featured her as an “Inspiring Mind”. Her most recent awards include the 2023 ICRS Mechoulam Lifetime Achievement, 2021 AACC Outstanding Lifetime Achievement, and 2021 NSC Distinguished Service to Safety Awards. She serves on WADA Prohibited List Committee, was SOFT & TIAFT past president & past Toxicology Chair, AAFS.